Tuesday, June 12, 2012

London & Paris, FOR FREE, me & YOU!

 it's already over a year since my husband and I had a trip to London, Paris & Manchester. But it felt just like yesterday! hmm nak pegi lagi!

LOve Paris the most.the weather, the people.
Parisians have their way for style. Was amazed by the way they dress  (women) and how cool the men ride their super, big, bike to work..erhh.

Xkah cool awek in the pink heels naik Vespa.

Even though they look like in a hurry all the time,but they're still friendly!..yes it was pretty hard to communicate but sign languange kan ada..hehe. Never forget to say merci` when u askd for help/direction!..

London Calling.
 London was the next city we visited after Paris.Since there's no AA flite from KL  to Paris when we bought the tix. We had to fly to London, took Eurostar to Paris and back to London. Eurostar was a wee bit xpensive as most people say, but I'd say it's very OK for the xpewience. Bila lagi nak merasa undersea tunnel kan, or Chunnel as they call it. the journey took 2 hrs+ to London. We tido all the way as more energy needed for walking. (lotsSS of walking,despite 4 months layla in the oven)

@ Trafalgar Sq

A must pose.heehee
If only I can work here..hmm
Manchester United Logo
The last destination is Manchester the land of the Champions! A wajib pegi place for fan susah mati like both of of us..hihih..let the pics do the talking. t'was a cold day so can't afford to grin wpun dlm hati screaming happily!!

Considered us lucky since AA x fly to London & Paris anymore..next trip, FOR FREE perhaps??..heeehee definitely possible!! wanna know how?? Let me share with you  how to get FREE TRIP TO LONDON AND PARIS, + FREE ACCOMODATION !! 

Contact me to know how!!

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